Friday 9 April 2021

swami rama theertha ಸ್ವಾಮಿ ರಾಮ ತೀರ್ಥ


🌹🕉A king went into a forest on a hunting expedition. In the heat of the chase the king became separated from his companions. Under the scorching rays of burning sun he felt very thirsty. He found in the woods a small garden. He went into the garden, but being in this sportsman‟s dress the gardener could not recognise him, the poor village gardener having not seen the king's person before. The king asked the gardener to bring something to drink, because he felt so very thirsty. The gardener went straight into the garden, took some pomegranates, squeezed out the juice, and brought a big cup full of it to the king. The king gulped it down, but it did not quench his parching thirst entirely. The king asked him to bring another cup of pomegranate juice. The gardener went for it.

 When the gardener had left the king's presence, the latter began to reflect within himself, "This garden seems to be very rich; in half a minute the man could bring me a large cup full of the fresh juice; a heavy income-tax ought to be levied on the owner of such a flourishing concern," etc., etc. On the other hand, the gardener delayed and delayed, did not return to the king even in an hour.

 The king began to wonder, "How is it that when I first asked him to bring me something to drink, he brought that pomegranate juice in less than a minute, and now he has been squeezing out the juice of pomegranates for about an hour and the cup is not full yet. How is that?"

 After one hour the cup was brought to the king, but not brimful. The king asked the reason why the cup was somewhat empty, whereas he filled the cup so soon at first.

 The gardener who was a sage replied, "Our king had very good intentions when I went out to bring you the first cup of pomegranate juice, and when I went out to bring you the second cup, our king's kind, benevolent nature must have changed. I can give no other explanation for such a sudden change in the rich nature of my pomegranates." 

The king reflected within himself, and lo! the statement was perfectly right. When the king had first stepped into the garden, he was very charitably disposed to and full of love for the people there, thinking in his mind that they were very poor and needed help; but when the old man had brought him one cup of pomegranate juice in so short a time, the king's mind had changed and views altered. 

The falling out of tune with Nature on the king's part affected the pomegranates in the garden. The moment the Law of Love was violated by the king that very moment the trees held back the juice from him.
So long as you are in perfect harmony with nature, so long as your mind is in tune with the universe and you are feeling and realizing your oneness with each and all, all the circumstances and surroundings, even winds and waves, will be in your favour. The very moment you are at discord with the All, that very moment your friends and relatives will turn against you, that very moment you will make the whole world stand up in arms against you.🕉🌹

🕉🌹Swami Rama Tirtha🌹🕉

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