Friday 20 December 2019

how to be clean and hygienic as per sanatana dharma rules and prevent pandemic sanatana dharma on health tips

ANCIENT Invaluable INDIAN HEALTH TIPS - as Sanskrit Quotes:-

1.अजीर्णे भोजनं विषम् ।

If previously taken Lunch is not digested, taking Dinner will be equivalent to taking Poison. Hunger is one signal that the previous food is digested.

2.अर्धरोगहारी निद्रा ।

Proper sleep cures half of diseases.

3. मूढ़गढ़ाल्ली गढ़व्याली।

Of all the Pulses, Green grams are the best. It boosts Immunity. Other Pulses all have one or the other side effects.

4.बागनास्थी संधानकारो रसोनहा।

Garlic even joins broken Bones.

5.अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत।

Anything consumed in Excess, just because it tastes good, is not good for Health. Be moderate.

6. नास्थिमूलम अनौषधाम।

There is no Vegetable that has no medicinal benefit to the body.

7. नां वैध्यः प्रभुरायुशाह ।

No Doctor is Lord of our Longevity. Doctors have limitations.

8. चिंता व्याधि प्रकाश्य।

Worry aggravates ill health.

9. व्यायामच्छ सनैही सनैही।

Do the exercise slowly. Speedy exercise is not good.

10. अजावथ चर्वनाम कुर्यात।

Chew your Food like a Goat. Never Swallow food in a hurry. Saliva aids first in digestion.

11. स्नानम नामा मानहप्रसाधनकरम धुस्वप्न विध्वसनम।

Bath removes Depression. It drives away Bad Dreams.

12. ना स्नानम आचारेठ भुक्थवा।

Never take Bath immediately after taking Food. Digestion is affected.

13. नास्थि मेघासमाम थोयम।

 No water matches Rainwater in purity.

14. अजीर्णे भेषजम वारी।

Indigestion can be addressed by taking plain water.

15. सर्वत्र नूथनाम सस्थाम सेवकाने पुर्रथनम।

Always prefer Fresh things. Old Rice and Old Servant need to be replaced with new ones. (Here what it actually means in respect of Servant is: Change his Duties and not terminate.)

16. नित्यम् सर्वा रास्सभ्याश।

Take complete Food that has all tastes viz: Salt, Sweet, Bitter, Sour, Astringent, and Pungent).

17. जटाराम पूरायेधरधाम अन्नाहि।

Fill your Stomach half with Solids, a quarter with Water and the rest leave it empty.

18. भुक्थवोपा विसथास्थंद्र।

Never sit idle after taking Food. Walk for at least half an hour.

19. क्षुथ साधुथाम जनयथि।

Hunger increases the taste of food. In other words, eat only when hungry.

20. चिंता जर्रानाम मनुष्याणम।

 Worrying speeds up aging.

21. शतं विहाय भोक्तव्यं I

When it is time for food, keep even 100 jobs aside.


1 »
लवणं व्यञ्जनं चैव घृतं तैलं तथैव च ।
लेह्यं पेयं च विविधं हस्तदत्तं न भक्षयेत् ।।
धर्मसिन्धू ३पू. आह्निक

Salt, ghee, oil, Annam and other food should not be served with bare hand. Use spoons to serve.

2 »
अनातुरः स्वानि खानि न स्पृशेदनिमित्ततः ।।
मनुस्मृति ४/१४४

Without a reason don't touch your own indriyas. (Eyes, nose, ears, etc.)

3 »
अपमृज्यान्न च स्न्नातो गात्राण्यम्बरपाणिभिः ।।
मार्कण्डेय पुराण ३४/५२

Don't use clothes already worn by you & dry yourself after a bath.

4 »
हस्तपादे मुखे चैव पञ्चाद्रे भोजनं चरेत् ।।
नाप्रक्षालितपाणिपादो भुञ्जीत ।।
सुश्रुतसंहिता चिकित्सा २४/९८

Wash your hands, feet, mouth before you eat.

5 »
स्न्नानाचारविहीनस्य सर्वाः स्युः निष्फलाः क्रियाः ।।
वाघलस्मृति ६९

Without a bath or Snan and Shudhi, all Karmas done are Nishphal.

6 »
न धारयेत् परस्यैवं स्न्नानवस्त्रं कदाचन ।।
पद्म० सृष्टि.५१/८६

Don't use the cloth (like towel) used by another person for drying yourself after a bath.

7 »
अन्यदेव भवद्वासः शयनीये नरोत्तम ।
अन्यद् रथ्यासु देवानाम् अर्चायाम् अन्यदेव हि ।।
महाभारत अनु १०४/८६

Use different clothes while sleeping, while going out, while doing pooja.

8 »
तथा न अन्यधृतं (वस्त्रं) धार्यम् ।।
महाभारत अनु १०४/८६

Don't wear clothes worn by others.

9 »
न अप्रक्षालितं पूर्वधृतं वसनं बिभृयाद् ।।
विष्णुस्मृति ६४

Clothes once worn should not be worn again before washing.

10 »
न आद्रं परिदधीत ।।
गोभिसगृह्यसूत्र ३/५/२४

Don't wear wet clothes.

11 »
चिताधूमसेवने सर्वे वर्णाः स्न्नानम् आचरेयुः। 
वमने श्मश्रुकर्मणि कृते च।। 
विष्णुस्मृति २२

Take a bath on return from cremation ground. Take a bath after every haircut.

These precautions were taught to every Indian five thousand years ago in the Sanatana Dharma .We were forewarned about importance of maintaining good hygiene, when no microscopes existed, but our ancestors using Vedic knowledge prescribed these Dharma as Sadhaachaaram ( சதாசாரம் ) and followed these ! 

 See in today's scenario how true these are* 
सनातन ही सत्य है और सत्य ही सनातन है !

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